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Sir John Franklin Hotel Kapunda

Get to know... Donna!

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Helpful, kind, and a knows how to pour a good beer!

Donna is one of our hard working staff at the Sir John Franklin, and is brilliant at her job.

Growing up in Elizabeth you could say she’s tougher than most of our employees (and some of our customers), but Donna has a heart of gold. Her first job was at the Dolphin Snack Bar in Elizabeth which shows she has plenty of experience dealing with customers.

As well as working during her teenage years, one of her favourite past times was skating. We’re assuming she was happy to give this up once she could drive and bought her fist ever car - A Datsun 1000 (Driving sure beats skating around everywhere). Her first job in the Hotel Industry was at the Golden Grove Hotel. And she can also thank the Hotel Industry for meeting her eventual husband (as she was kicking him out of a pub in Gawler for not behaving himself).

Her favourite thing about her job his being allowed to abuse Leon Hampel and getting away with it (as well as getting paid).


One of the silliest things Donna has done at the pub would have to be falling up the stairs to the dining room. You’d hope it was as a customer, but no!

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Here's an image of Donna's favourite customer Leon!

Away from the Sir John Franklin Hotel, Donna is footy mad, and loves to watch her Mighty Adelaide Crows as well as her beloved Centrals play each week - UUUUUUU DOGS!

As stated above, Donna has a husband, named Jason, however, Phil still forgets his name and refers to him as Shane.


Donna loves having the opportunity to work at the Sir John Franklin, however, she mustn’t be that big of a fan of Socialising outside of work. She says that her favourite thing about Kapunda ‘is that I live in Freeling’- ouch Donna!! – We’re sure she’s just joking!!!

Her favourite past time is riding her Harley Davidson around the district and her favourite song is ‘The Rose’ by Bette Midler – Um, that's an interesting combination!

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We could imagine Donna listening to this whilst riding the Harley Davidson!


That's not the welcome sign we like seeing...

Overall, we are very blessed to have Donna as a part of the Sir John Family as she loves the fun, atmosphere, and great people.

When asked why people should come to the Sir John Franklin Hotel she specifically said it’s ‘because of our great humour and banter’.

So next time you’re thirsty, wanting dinner, or calling through, come say G’Day to Donna and thank her for all of her hard work!

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