Bungaree Station is approximately 12kms North of Clare SA.
Various Accommodation options exist in and around Clare.
Clare also has local Taxi Services. It is suggested you book in advance.
We won’t be the only wedding in Clare that weekend, so pre-booking will give you the best chance. Their admin number is (08) 8842 1400
They only have 5 or so Cars, so if possible, groups of 4 is ideal.
With this in mind, at the end of the night please also be patient, they will do their best
If you are happy to "rough it" by means of 'rolling out your own swag or mattress/bedding' Bungaree Station does have a "shearer's quarters" building on site. It consists of two large rooms (with both reverse cycle air conditioning and wood fires) and bathrooms. The cost of hiring this building is $550 which can be divided amongst those using it by paying in advance. If you are keen on this option, please let us know by writing in the 'questions' field below. We can co-ordinate and keep you updated on how many others are keen, then finalising/booking if there is enough interest.
Other Info:
- Ceremony on lawn of homestead to start at 3:30pm sharp
- Drinks and nibbles on lawn 4:30-6pm, followed by Reception in Wool Shed at 6:15pm
- Last drinks will be at 11:30pm and we have to vacate the Wool Shed (Reception) by Midnight.
- Beer, wine, water and soft drinks are provided. If you are a ‘spirit only’ drinker and want to bring your own, you can, however, it must be in can/bottle form (pre-mixed) and must be given to Bar Staff to serve back to you one by one. This is to do with their liquor license.
Other Bride & Groom wishes:
o Enjoy the day/night.
o We will have an official photographer there to capture lots of special moments. During the ceremony, ideally we’d like to have you ‘present’ in the moment, instead of trying to capture photographs.
o Feel free to post photos of yourselves prior to/at the wedding - but please refrain from posting photos of us on Social Media prior to us posting ourselves.
o Have fun, let your hair down, but please drink responsibly! We would like everyone to be present for, and respectful to our speeches later in the night.
That’s all for now. We hope you are excited as we are!